
23 Apr 2014

5 Signs of a Truly Happy Person

We spend much of our lives trying to be happy. We go places, we buy stuff, we watch movies, and we get outside. But too often we focus on the things which bring short term pleasure rather than true happiness. I fall short with the rest of you. I spend too much time searching for value, purpose, and meaning in all the wrong places. I work too much. I’m on my phone too much. And I’m just too freaking busy. But the guy in the film gets it. He’s consistent. He’s selfless. He’s happy.

How are you searching for happiness? Be honest. Are you self-focused or considerate? Are you generous or tightly budgeted? Are you to0 busy or do you seize the moment? What will you do to be truly happy today? Let me know in the comments below.

 Share: Someone You Know Needs to Hear This 

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